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27th Contemporary Art Fair
23-25 May 2025



> Resume & Critique (.doc-file)

Min Joo Lee  Min Joo Lee  Min Joo Lee

Min Joo Lee nahm bereits an über 220 Gruppenausstellungen in Korea, Japan, UDSSR, Mongolei, Oman, Indien, USA, Arabische Emirate, Frankreich, Spanien und Deutschland teil. Über ihr Werk wurden über 70 Artikel veröffentlicht. Sie ist Mitglied in 10 Künstlerorganisationen.

MinJoo Lee


  • 2000 Artists in Residence program (Vermont Studio Center, USA)
  • 1989 Studied at University of Michigan, School of Art, Graduate Studies
  • 1982 M.F.A. Graduate School, Seoul National University
  • 1980 B.F.A. The depart of Painting, College of Fine art, Seoul National University
  • 1976 Entrance, Seoul national University (as a Top Student)

Solo exhibitions

  • 2002 The 17th solo show-Universal Resonance (Gallery Chosun, COEX convention center, Seoul)
  • 2001 The 16th Solo Exhibition-Searching for my Animus through my father-Fatherland-Reunification of Korea (Kongpeong Art Center, Seoul)
  • 2000 The 15th Solo Exhibition-"Healing Brush stroke" (Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, USA)
  • 2000 The 14th Solo Exhibition-"The Decoration on The Void" (Choi Gallery, Seoul)
  • 1998 Seoul International Art Fair (Seoul Art Center, Seoul)
  • 1998 The 12th Solo Exhibition-"Resonance" (Korean Culture & Art Foundations Art Center, - Seoul)
  • 1998 The 11th Solo Exhibition-Resonance "Salvation" (Icon Gallery, Seoul)
  • 1996 The 10th Solo Exhibition-"The Void & The Substance - Praying" (63 Gallery, Seoul)
  • 1996 2-Person Show-"Aboriginal Esquisses" (Recycling) (Icon Gallery, Seoul)
  • 1995 The 9th Solo Exhibition-"The Void & The Substance - The Deliverance from "The Icon" (IconGallery)
  • 1994 The 8th Solo Exhibition-"The Void & The Substance 5 (Icon Gallery, Seoul)
  • 1994 The 7th Solo Exhibition-"The Void & The Substance -Climing up" (Hong-in Gallery, Dae-Jeon)
  • 1993 The 6th Solo Exhibition-The Void & The Substance -White shadow (Seoul Art Center)
  • 1993 The 5th Solo Exhibition-"The Void & The Substance 2" (Galleria Gallery, Seoul)
  • 1992 The 4th One Woman Show-"The Void & The Substance 1" (Gallery Madrid National University, Spain)
  • 1991 The 3rd One Woman Show-"The Infinite Meditation For TAO" (Gallery Schloss Greiffenhorst , Krefeld, Germany)

Other exhibitions

  • 1989 The 2nd One Woman Show-"Material+Brushwork" (Gallery Hyundai, Seoul)
  • 2002 11th EuropArt Geneva -Palexpo Geneva - With BB International Fine Arts Gallery - Sponsored by Gallery HeartleeIAF & Korean Culture & Art Foundations Art Center (Switzerland)
  • 2002 5th MAC21-Marbella (Spain) - With BB International Fine Arts Gallery
  • 2002 4th Art International – Internationale Kunstmesse Kongresshaus Zurich (Switzerland)-Sponsored by Gallery Jung AWARDs & Grants
  • 2002 The 23th International Fan Painting (Tokyo Museum, Japan, International Fan Painting Award ,Tokyo Museum, Japan)
  • 2001 The 22th International Fan Painting (Tokyo Museum, Japan, -Excellent artist)
  • 2000 Grant of International Exchange Program (Korean Culture & Art Foundations Art Center)
  • 1999 Freeman Alternate Grant (Vermont Studio Center, USA)
  • 1995 Grand prize in the competition of Koran fresh artists (Gallery Seoho, Seoul)
  • 1995 The 16th International Fan Painting (Tokyo Museum, Japan, -President's Award)
  • 1988 Seoul Fine Artists Award
  • 1987 Grand Oriental Culture Exhibition (Special mention)
  • 1986 The 4th New Art Exhibition (Grand prize) Excellent 100 Korean artists (San Francisco Hoam Art Center, CA, USA - Prize of creativity)
  • 1985 The 4th Seoul Art Festival-Special mention
  • 1984 The 8th Art & Culture Competition (Special mention)
  • 1979 The 10th Korea College Art Competition (Silver Prize)
  • 1976 The Alumni Association of Kyung-ki Girls High School (Honorable Medal)

Selected international exhibitions

  • 2001 Nature-Rise & Fall Oodori Museum (Satporo, Japan)
  • 2000 Eco-Feminism in Korea, Nash Gallery, (Minnesota, USA )
  • 1992 Salon de la jeune Peinture (Grand Palais, Paris)
  • 1992 B.I.A.C (Biennale Internationale d'Art Contemporain (Brignole, France)
  • 1988 Internationale Biennale der Papierkunst (Germany, Denmark)

Selected national exhibitions

  • 2001 Nature-Rise & Fall (Seoul Metropolitan Museum, Seoul)
  • 1998, 2000 Kwang Ju Biennial (Kwang Ju)

Selected Collections

  • National museum of Contemporary art
  • Korea National theater
  • Seoul Art Center
  • National Cancer Center Hospital
  • Faculty Lounge of Seoul National University
  • Boda gallery
  • Gongpeong Art Center
  • Museum of Sunggyunkwan University
  • Museum of Korea University
  • Dangjin county office
  • Dioriginal living Ltd. (Emporial building)
  • Hankuk Yokurt building
  • Blue hospital
  • Hanil hospital
  • Saeran clinic
  • Dong-A Museum
  • Woljeon Museum
  • Galleria gallery
  • Icon gallery
  • Art forum New Gate
  • Gallery Jung
  • Museum of Park, Soo Keun
  • Korean cultural center in New York, USA
  • Korean Embassy in Geneva. Switzerland
  • George Mason University in Washington, USA

Selected press articles

"....The very casual and private memories of her father are no longer personal ones. .....She longs for the total harmony, embracing conflicts and wounds of the individuals and the nation. That's why her strokes are very powerful and her paintings are so appealing and healing...."
Hansoo Kim, Journalist, "The Chosun Ilbo", 2001

"...In the era of co-existence of tradition and modernism, the amplitude of aesthetic consciousness of the art world consciousness of the art world is huge. So is that of the artist. Innovative and seemingly disharmonious use of various media and technique, including mechanical image media, on the top of traditional Indian Ink on Korean paper...... The Artistic technique and the impulsiveness, intrinsic to brush strokes, helped symbolize personal stories which otherwise could be simply descriptive......"
Kwangsoo O, President of the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Art Critic, "Art in Culture" 2001

"...I appreciate the repetitive rhythmic images of the distorted characters. Powerful strokes, shown by the alternations and variations of the depth of the color, are very effective to make the contents concord with the forms. Her father is remembered as a guide to identify and establish herself in relation to the society. She dares to reveal the base of her point of view regard the Korean history and the Reality and her latent desire..."
Hangsup Shin, Art critic, "Eolgan Misul" 2001

"The energy and spirit are embodied in the linear images. The series of unity and hope for the new millennium and the long-cherished desire. The realization of animus inside her is connected to the completion of her consciousness and the integration of the ego. In her art world, the reunification of the nation, the harmony of the society and the peace of a family, all are closely related and linked like a blood vessel."
Young-Guil, "Misul Saygay" 2001

MinJoo Lee - "Das Licht aus Fernost"

Minjoo Lee wurde 1957 in Seoul / Korea geboren. Nach dem Studium des Kunstfachs "Oriental Painting" entpuppte sich MinJoo Lee als eine der innovativsten und einflussreichsten Künstlerinnen Koreas. In der Zeit zwischen 1987 und 2007 hatte sie über 31 Solo-Ausstellungen und nahm an mehr als 400 Gruppenausstellungen teil, darunter in Deutschland, in den USA, China, Kanada, Taiwan, Japan, Russland, den Arabischen Emiraten, Spanien u.v.m.

Aber nicht nur im künstlerischen Bereich, sondern auch im Bereich der Wissenschaft ist Minjoo Lee tätig. Ihre Begeisterung für die Kunst verspürt man, wenn man ihre zahlreichen Kunstwerke betrachtet und ihre Essays in den verschiedensten Kunstzeitschriften liest. Auch die Kunstpreise, die sie bei zahlreichen Wettbewerben gewann, sprechen für ihre hohe Kompetenz: so wurden ihr der "Special Price" bei dem Seoul Art Contest, der "Grand Prize" bei der Grand Art Competition, ein Stipendium vom Korenischen Art Council, die Freeman Alternate's Grant im Vermont Studio Center (USA) und der International Fan Painting Prize (Japan) verliehen.

Über sie wurde als ein "Today's Artist" berichtet und sie wurde für den Salon Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui, Salon Comparaison and Salon de la Jeune Peinture in Frankreich ausgewählt. An folgenden weiteren Kunstausstellungen hat sie ebenfalls teilgenommen: Tokyo Asia Art Exhibition and International Paper Work Exhibition (Japan); Münster City Invitational Exhibition and International Paper Biennale (Deutschland); Light from the East (Russland); Bangladesh Biennale (Bangladesh); BIAC (Brignol, Frankreich); Europe Art Genf, ART INTERNATIONAL ZURICH (Schweiz); Kunstmesse Innsbruck (Österreich); International Art Expo at Carnegie Hall, New York Art Expo (USA); Montreal Art Expo(Canada); MAC21.Barcelona art Expo (Spanien); CIAF, MANIF (Korea).

Minjoo Lee ist einem weiten Publikum sowohl als zwanzigste Vizepräsidentin der Koreanischen "Fine Artists Association" wie auch als eine der kreativsten und einflussreichsten Künstlerinnen bekannt, wie es in zahlreichen TV-Interviews, Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftsartikeln immer wieder im In- und Ausland bestätigt wurde.

Ihre Werke zeugen von ihrer Bemühung, die traditionelle koreanische Malerei in das 21. Jahrhundert zu überführen. Dass ihr das gelungen ist, bestätigen immer wieder die begeisterten Besucher ihrer Ausstellungen, ein Publikum, das sich aus Traditionalisten und modern denkenden Menschen zusammen setzt. Die besondere Ausstrahlung von Minjoo Lees Werken rührt daher, dass sie vor allem natürliche Materialien verwendet, nämlich traditionelle Stein-Farbe, Koreanische Tusche, Eier, Gold und Perlen auf durchsichtigen Materialien aus koreanischer Seide, koreanischem traditionellen Maulbeerbaum-Papier, selbst hergestelltem Papier, Gips und Holz. Natürlich haben diese Werke ihren ästhetischen Reiz, aber sie stecken auch voller Humor, ohne dass sie dabei ihre soziale Botschaft verlieren, und erinnern manchmal an das Ritual einer psychoanalytischer Sitzung.

Minjoo Lee studierte Oriental Painting an Seouls bekannter National University, an der sie sich schon mit der Bestnote in Malerei und schriftlichem Eingangstest immatrikulieren konnte. Auch die Graduate School an der Seouls National University besuchte sie mit Stolz als ein Nachfahre aus dem königlichen Geschlecht der Yi (Lee) Dynastie. Ausserdem besuchte sie Seminare an der University of Michigan, Graduate Studies (Ann Arbor, Michigan) und am Pratt Institute (New York, NY) im Bereich Malerei und Papierherstellung. Seitdem ist sie auch als Dozentin an Universitäten tätig und unterrichtet Oriental Painting, Kunstgeschichte und Vergleichende Kunstwissenschaften.

Viele fragen sich, woher Minjoo Lee ihre viele Energie nimmt. In ihrem Tagebuch von 1990 findet sich folgender aufschlussreicher Eintrag:
"Im Osten existieren viele Lehren über den Kosmos, die Zeit und den Raum des Universums. Wir werden angeblich beständig in diese Welt wiedergeboren, die eine Welt voller Leid und Desillusionierung ist. Diese zu überwinden gelingt nur mit Hilfe von Meditation und persönlicher Disziplinierung. Wenn ich meditiere, so fühle ich mein Einswerden mit dem Universum und empfinde das Ineinanderfliessen der Dinge, sobald ich mein Ich-Bewusstsein verliere. Mir sind traditionelle Techniken und Philosophien wichtig. Ich verschmelze sie mit dem modernen Empfinden, meiner Intuition. Evozierte Assoziationen in meinen Bildern, die Reminiszenzen an Insekten, Monster, tote Geister, Gott und anderes hervorrufen, erstrahlen in Schönheit, weil sie direkt mit mir zu tun haben. Ich versuche, in Einklang mit mir, der Natur und dem Übernatürlichen zu kommen. Gleichzeitig bin ich bemüht, diese Art der Resonanz zwischen mir und meinen Bilder herzustellen. Daher nenne ich viele meiner Bilder oder Ausstellungen "Resonanz", "Heilende Pinselstriche" etc."

Seit 2001 beschäftigt sich Minjoo Lee auch immer mehr mit der sie umgebenden Gesellschaft. So ist ihr besonderes Anliegen der "Zusammenhang zwischen Krieg und Frieden und der Resonanz im Universum", das auch Thema von Minjoo Lees Einzelausstellung 2007, einer Ausstellung der physischen und spirituellen Art, sein wird.

Minjoo Lee -"The light from the far east"

Born in 1957, Minjoo Lee grew up in Seoul, Korea, emerging as one of the most innovative and influential artists among Korean painters majored in Oriental Painting. In the period from 1987 to 2007, she had 31 solo exhibitions and more than four hundred group exhibitions in Korea and in other countries including Germany, USA, China, Canada, Taiwan, India, Japan, Russia, Arab emirates, Spain and etc.

She is a scholar as well as a painter. We can see her numerous paintings showing ardor for art and also essays in art magazines. Minjoo Lee received many awards from Art Competition: Special Prize at Seoul Art Contest; Grand Prize in New Art Competition: Grants from Korean Arts Council (Korea); Freeman Alternate's Grant in Vermont Studio Center (USA); International Fan Painting Prize (Japan). She was featured as a "Today's Artist" and was selected in Salon Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui, Salon Comparaison and Salon de la Jeune Peinture (France). She also participated in various art exhibitions worldwide: Tokyo Asia Art Exhibition and International Paper Work Exhibition (Japan); Munster City Invitational Exhibition and International Paper Biennale (Germany); Light from the East (Russia); Bangladesh Biennale (Bangladesh); BIAC (Brignol, France); Europe art Geneva, ART INTERNATIONAL ZURICH (Switzerland); Innsbruck Art fair (Austria); International Art Expo at Carnegie Hall, New York Art Expo (USA); Montreal Art Expo (Canada): MAC21, Barcelona art Expo (Spain); CIAF, MANIF (Korea).

As a 20th vice chairperson of Korea Fine artists association and as a judge member in many art competitions she accomplished very well, featuring many times as one the most creative influential artist on major TV program, art magazines and on newspapers of Korea, New York, Switzerland and etc.

Her outputs reinterpreting Korean traditional paintings show us her effort to make a kind of paradigm shift as a 21st century artist. Based on their oriental philosophy and liberal mind (spirit),the reaction of those who visited her shows give a good reaction of just how involved people felt with her work, both modern and traditional. The elusive impact of Minjoo's work partly derives from her use of natural materials: Traditional stone color, Korean traditional ink, eggs, traditional gold lacquer, pure gold and mother of pearl on translucent materials made of Korean silk, many kinds of Korean mulberry papers, her own handmade papers, plaster and on wood. They may be aesthetically appealing. Her works including both sardonic smile and humor, evidently alludes to the social message and also to the ritual of a psychoanalytical session.

Minjoo Lee started Oriental painting seriously at the middle school and concentrated on it at college. She graduated from the most prestigious high school and college of Korea: Kyung-Gui Girls' High School and Seoul National University. She was already evaluated as the best student in both painting and written test from the College Entrance Evaluation Committee of the university. She studied on the Scholarly painters of Korea at Seoul National University, Graduate school with the pride as a Royal family blood of Yi (Lee) Dynasty. She took intensive art seminar courses at University of Michigan, Graduate Studies (Ann Arbor, Michigan) and at Pratt Institute (New York, NY) in Painting and Paper Making. She has been teaching at Universities and has given lectures on Oriental Painting, Art History and Comparative Art.

It was a myth from what the powerful energy in her painting was derived. In her diary, 1990, we can understand Minjoo Lee better:
"The East has had an imaginative grasp of the enormous scale of the cosmos in time and space with its vast multiplicity of universal systems. We should be continuously reborn into the world of suffering and delusion. The only way to get over them is continuous personal discipline and meditation. During my meditation I feel the interfusion of myself with the Universe and I realize the interfusion of things when I lose ego-conscious life. I'm keeping the traditional technique & philosophy. These days I'm melting them in my modern sense, intuition. My associations with insects, monsters, dead spirits, God and etc. have been beautiful 'cause they always respond to me. I attempt to the resonance between myself and nature, between nature and super nature. At the same time I enthusiastically try to evoke this kind of resonance between myself and my painting. Emphasizing on this point the titles became "Resonance", "Healing brushstrokes" and etc."

From 2001 Minjoo Lee became to make concern on the real society: "War, peace connection - Universal Resonance" is the main theme of Minjoo Lee's solo show, 2007. Her spiritual message is absorbed in her physical paintings.

Copyright Text and Images: Minjoo Lee, Seoul / South Korea 2007

Review Art Zurich 2007
